Rebates for those who save on water
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Rebates for those who save on water

The Victorian Coalition Government will boost rebates on water-efficient products, making them available to all households from July 1, with up to $1,000 being available towards the installation of rainwater tanks, said Member for Gippsland East, Tim Bull.

“The Coalition Government was delivering on a key election commitment by doubling funding for rebates on water-efficient products to $40 million over the next four years and in the face of rising utility prices I welcome another initiative to assist rural households.”

“Following years of drought in the East Gippsland region, we have come to learn how precious our water supplies are and the need to be smarter with our water consumption and indentify solutions for better managing the water we have.

“Those households who install a rainwater tank or purchase water efficient appliances will make great savings, with up to $1000 being available to those households who install rainwater tanks that are designed and manufactured to Australian standards and are connected to a house’s toilet and laundry.

“For the first time, rebates for water-efficient products will also be made available to help all Victorians, including those on non-reticulated systems, to become more water conscious and efficient throughout their homes and gardens.

“A rebate of $200 will be introduced for the first time on the cost of pool covers and the Coalition Government had also made rebates available on a new range of appliances including $150 rebate towards washing machines, one of the biggest water users in homes,” said Mr Bull.

For more information about what rebates are available under the “Living Victoria Water Rebate Program”, contact your local water authority or visit