Bairnsdale RSL power bill raised in Parliament
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Bairnsdale RSL power bill raised in Parliament

The Premier, Daniel Andrews, has given an undertaking to contact the Bairnsdale RSL Sub-Branch over its soaring electricity bill.
Leader of the Opposition, Matthew Guy, raised the matter in question time in State Parliament today, stating the RSL Sub-Branch, a not-for-profit organisation, has had to agree to a new energy contract that would likely increase its costs by between $75,000 and $85,000 per year.
He asked the Premier: “Following Hazelwood’s closure, you told Victorians their power bills would be impacted by only 85 cents per week. Other than telling them to shop around, what are you going to do to assist RSLs like Bairnsdale?”
In response, the Premier said he would organise for liaison with the local RSL Sub-Branch over the matter.
Gippsland East Nationals MP, Tim Bull, said the RSL Sub-Branch example was only one of many entities in East Gippsland that have experienced soaring power prices.
“I’m happy for the Premier to organise this discussion, but they don’t need a cup of tea and a chat, they need some real action to halt the ballooning cost of living increases he said would not occur.”
Mr Bull said another major employer had not only had power bill rises of $2500 per month on their new contract, but that due to a lack of confidence in power security over summer, they also installed a $30,000 generator just before Christmas.
“I have had a number of businesses put to me that they either need to cut staff or look at their ongoing viability and that is not to mention the impact on households. They are certainly experiencing bill rises in excess of the 85c per week,” he said.
Mr Bull added that while the Liberal Nationals had announced some policies relating to more affordable and reliable energy supply, more would be publicised in the lead up to November’s poll.
Caption: Gippsland East Nationals MP, Tim Bull, recently met with Bairnsdale RSL manager, Shane Pendergast, to discuss increases in the sub-branch’s power prices.
Thursday, June 7, 2018