Locals in Benambra, Bonang, Buchan South, Butchers Ridge, Glen Valley, Sarsfield, Nicholson, Tongio and surrounding areas will soon have better phone coverage with the construction of six new phone towers as part of 109 towers to be upgraded across the state.
“The Victorian Coalition invested up to $40 million last year to make this happen and I am proud to see our hard work come to fruition through the Federal Government mobile blackspot program,” said State Member for Gippsland East, Tim Bull.
“Being stuck with no phone coverage or constant drop-outs was not only frustrating, but terribly isolating.
“Today’s announcement of 109 new towers across the state is going to make a huge difference for these communities and I am pleased we have received several of these given our isolated communities,” Mr Bull said.
“The Federal Government has announced it will include these towns as part of its mobile blackspot program, which is being rolled out across regional Australia over the coming years.
“It is pleasing to see the Coalition’s hard work pay off to fix the mobile phone coverage issues that have plagued these communities for years.”
Mr Bull said not only would better phone coverage make it easier to keep in touch with family and friends and to do business, it would provide locals with better access to emergency services.
“This is a fantastic outcome for our local communities and it is important to note that while there will remain areas that need better coverage this is a great start and I look forward to round two delivering more improved outcomes for our region,” Mr Bull said.