Comment Columns
10 years of Labor scorecard
Last week marked the tenth anniversary of the Labor State Government where Premier Jacinta Allan has either been Premier, Deputy Premier or Senior Cabinet Minister. The question is, are we better off after a decade?…
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Lest We Forget
At the time you are reading this, I will be at Gallipoli, spending a few days outside tomorrow’s official ceremonies to visit a few of our fallen locals.As we approach this day, we should all…
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Government creates public housing mess
The release of the State Government’s own housing figures shows its “Big Housing Build” is a complete furphy. Despite the government promising 12,000 new public housing residences, the area from Latrobe Valley east has had…
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State fire policy leaving us vulnerable…. again
The State Government has again left us at great risk with this fire season approaching, clearly not having learned the lessons of 2019/20.Just four short years after we should have received the lesson of a…
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Kokoda's incredible perspective
Nine East Gippsland 16-17 year olds have just completed the Kokoda Trail, walking in the footsteps of the East Gippslanders who served in World War II. Taj Corben, Maggie Anderson, Gabby Bailey, Andrew Chapman, Angus…
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Renters will benefit from landlord support
The State has a rental crisis and part of the solution is to stop punishing landlords and driving them from the Victorian market.Our State Government is contributing to this with policy that is either pushing…
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Budget cruels our timber families
Last week I used my Budget response in Parliament to highlight the disastrous impacts of the Andrews’ Labor Government’s decision to close our timber industry. My speech is as follows: Thank you Speaker and I…
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Looking for Budget silver lining as interest bill hits $10 million per day
The upcoming State Budget is tipped to be a difficult one as Victoria forges headlong into financial disaster, with the Andrews Government’s own forecast projecting a state debt of $165.4 billion by 2026.Our current debt…
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East Gippslanders rest easy, your road concerns are simply ‘imagined fantasy’
Last week in Parliament the Labor Member for Eltham said the complaints raised by National Party MP’s in relation to country roads are “imagined fantasy”.These are your complaints that are raised by me on your…
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Animal Justice and Greens lunacy on show
Last week in Parliament I spoke on the Livestock Management Amendment (Animal Activism) Bill – Legislation from a National Party initiated Inquiry to introduce tougher penalties for illegal animal activist farm invaders.Not surprisingly, the Greens…
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We will suffer from classic bureaucratic stand-off
The efforts to clear the black wattle infested roadsides post fires to lower future fire risk has reached a classic bureaucratic stand-off between Regional Roads Victoria (formerly VicRoads) and DELWP. Despite repeated questions to the…
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We will suffer from classic bureaucratic stand-off
The efforts to clear the black wattle infested roadsides post fires to lower future fire risk has reached a classic bureaucratic stand-off between Regional Roads Victoria (formerly VicRoads) and DELWP. Despite repeated questions to the…
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Dan short changing us again
Many will be unaware the State Government has launched a Draft Victorian Recreational Boating Strategy, which is open for community feedback (until September 20). This document requires significant local feedback from East Gippslanders.If I am…
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As region’s businesses suffer Dan employs more than PM
The confirmation this week that Premier Daniel Andrews is employing more staff than the Prime Minister is a hard one to stomach.Over the past year, I have been approached on a regular basis by East…
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Bureaucracy gone mad
Here is an example of why we need Governments and Ministers to restore common sense to their Departments and agencies. The following would sit well in an episode of the political satire television series Utopia.…
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East Gippslanders a shining light
Over recent weeks, like many of you I am sure, I’ve experienced a range of feelings - from disappointment and anger to relief and pride. It is with disappointment we find ourselves back in stage…
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If it was Melbourne, it’d be fixed
There is a lovely little boardwalk along the Yarra River near Federation Square. If it burnt down, how long do you think it would take to repair? I would think maybe a couple of days,…
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Rural families must be aware of new manslaughter laws
New laws passed by the State Government last week should be of concern to all rural families and are something I believe all farmers should be aware of. They relate to workplace manslaughter and while…
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Be prepared this fire season
This year’s pending bushfire season is extremely concerning in the eastern region. That was the clear message we received at a pre-bushfire season briefing in Traralgon last week provided by the Country Fire Authority, DELWP…
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Auditor General’s report shows Country Victoria short-changed
Almost areas of country Victoria outside the major centres of Ballarat, Geelong, Bendigo and the Latrobe Valley are being short-changed by this Labor State Government. That is the clear message coming out of a report…