Following reports of brumby carcasses being found in the East Gippsland bush, local Nationals MP, Tim Bull, has asked the Environment Minister to come clean on the details of the program.
Speaking in State Parliament, Mr Bull said there were local companies that relied on brumby sightseeing and a wider interest in the community. He called on the Minister to advise:
* How many brumbies have been culled in this term of government as of February 1, 2022 and
* Has the program concluded, or will it continue over the course of this year?
“Minister D’Ambrosio has advised pre-Christmas she did not wish to reveal the location of brumby culling due to the need to protect those undertaking the work.
“So, I am not asking for that, I am asking for general information like how many have been culled, has the program concluded, or is it continuing?
“These are all things the Minister should be able to answer, and it is happening in our area, so we have right to know and not be treated like mushrooms.”
Mr Bull said he had received reports from locals who have come across brumby carcasses including foals alongside mares and mares in foal.
“In some cases, it is remote country which would indicate they were aerially shot, and we know that does often not result in instant death.
“I am on the record many times as saying I do not support this, but rather a program of capture and rehoming combined with more work done into fertility controls we see in the United States to keep mustang numbers in balance.
“My great concern is this government is embarking on an eradication campaign and is doing this without having the courtesy of informing the communities that have an affinity with the brumbies.”
Photo credit: Felicity Clay Photography
Monday, February 14, 2021