June 2016
Tuesday, 28 June 2016 10:53

Lakes lifesavers powered by solar

Lakes Entrance Surf Lifesaving Club will soon be powered by solar after receiving a State Government grant to shift towards renewable energy before summer.

Nationals Member for Gippsland East, Tim Bull, congratulated the local lifesavers who represent one of the 42 successful clubs across Victoria to receive the funding as part of the Community Renewables Solar Grants Initiative.

“This funding will help the club upgrade to solar electricity and ultimately save the club money on expensive power bills, allowing it to allocate funding where it’s needed most,” Mr Bull said.

“The club already does a fantastic job of serving Lakes Entrance and the surrounding townships, but the savings on power bills will help improve the club even more.”

Mr Bull said the grant recipients would have a five-kilowatt system installed in the near future.

“Across Victoria, 12 solar retailers approved by the Clean Energy Council have competed for the installation grant, which will support local jobs in the renewable energy industry,” Mr Bull said.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Published in Media
Wednesday, 22 June 2016 14:39

State asked to match Federal East Gippsland Princes Highway funding

The State Government has been asked to match the $25 million Federal Government commitment to upgrade the Princes Highway East.

Speaking in Parliament last night, Gippsland East Nationals MP, Tim Bull, outlined the Federal Coalition’s commitment should it win the Federal election and pushed the State Government to match the promise made by Federal MP, Darren Chester, last week.

“Although I am not sure the Minister has been past Lakes Entrance in his time in the job, but if he did travel this far from Melbourne, he would see the areas that require further upgrades, continuing the work done by the previous Coalition Government,” Mr Bull said.

“In recent years, quite a deal of work has been done on the Princes Highway East, funded by the previous Coalition State Government and Federal Coalition Government.

“This included three overtaking lanes between Orbost and Nowa Nowa after an $11m spend and there were resurfacing works carried out on the approaches to Orbost and Cann River.

“It is important that works on this section on the Princes Highway East continue and that is why it was pleasing to join Federal Member, Darren Chester, last week to announce the $25m Federal funding commitment.

“Clearly one of the areas where works are needed are road shoulders, where presently there are sections that have no sealed shoulders at all.

“It is also likely the Federal Government will announce further road investment projects in the coming week I would hope that should these announcements also eventuate, that they will attract matching funding.

“The $25m commitment that has been announced is on a section of the highway that is the State Government’s responsibility, so I would fully expect the funding be matched and I call on the Minister to confirm this,” Mr Bull told Parliament.

The Minister has one month to formally respond.

Caption: Federal and State MPs Darren Chester and Tim Bull at the announcement of $25m in Federal funds for the Princes Highway East. The State has now been called on to match that allocation.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Published in Media
Friday, 17 June 2016 09:40

Their legacy will be protected

The legacy of those who have served Australia at war will continue to be protected through four recently-announced veterans grant programs, Member for Gippsland East, Tim Bull, said today.

Mr Bull said the programs would support community education and welfare projects commemorating the service of veterans.

“The Restoring Community War Memorials and Avenues of Honour program is the first of these grant streams and will ensure war memorials and honour rolls are restored to their original condition, or improved, with grants of up to $20,000 per project available,” he said.

“The Victoria Remembers program will assist communities in making personal connections with the World War I centenary and help activities or projects that commemorate other wars, peacekeeping operations and conflicts in which Victorians have served.

“Under this, projects that have significant commemorative or educational benefit for Victoria’s diverse community have the opportunity to attract grants of between $20,000 and $80,000.”

Mr Bull said the Anzac Centenary Community Grants, administered by the Victorian Veterans Council, was designed to leave a lasting legacy for future generations of those who served in World War I and that grants of up to $20,000 per project were available.

“Applications for these three grant programs are open now and will close on August 29.”

The ANZAC Day Proceeds Fund, the fourth grant program, would provide practical assistance for veterans and their dependents who are in need.

“This fund is distributed to organisations that provide welfare support to veterans and it opens on June 20,” Mr Bull said.

More information can be found at http://www.dpc.vic.gov.au/index.php/veterans/veterans-grants.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Published in Media
Tuesday, 07 June 2016 10:00

Bull tells Parliament – hands off the CFA

State Member for Gippsland East, Tim Bull, today spoke in Parliament of the importance of the Country Fire Authority and its many volunteers maintaining their independence and not being answerable to the city-based United Firefighters Union.

“Over recent weeks I have had a large number of CFA volunteers, several current captains and ex-captains and a number with decades of service, saying they will walk away from the CFA should the current EBA be adopted,” he told Parliament.

“My electorate is one of the most fire prone areas in the world and our CFAs are the backbone of our communities.

“Here we are in a situation where the UFU is saying things have been misinterpreted and this is simply scaremongering.

“In response to these comments, I ask why is it then that the CFA Board, with its high level of legal advice, says this is not the case and the EBA in its current form will remove CFA decision-making powers.

“Why also do we have the Minister saying this EBA is unfair to volunteers?

“When the Labor Minister herself says she has major concerns with the deal and that she supports the CFA, but is overruled by Premier Daniel Andrews, it is a grave concern.

“She is saying the threat is real – as are the CFA, Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria and CFA members – they are all saying this threat is real, because it is real.

“To the volunteers from brigades that have contacted me from Glenaladale, Mallacoota, Bemm River, Lakes Entrance, Maffra, Paynesville, Heyfield, Sarsfield, Woodglen, Bairnsdale and Hillside – we will fight for your right to maintain independence, “ Mr Bull said.

“The premier needs to forget about payback for the UFU members who handed out how-to-vote cards at the marginal seats last election. By all means give them a fair pay rise, but keep your hands off the CFA,” Mr Bull said in concluding his address to Parliament.

Caption: Gippsland East MP, Tim Bull, speaking in support of CFA volunteers in Parliament today.

Published in Media
Friday, 03 June 2016 17:47

Orbost club receives new bowls

Orbost Bowls Club will soon have new bowls, while members will be aided by the use of bowling arms, thanks to a VicHealth Active Club Grant.

Member for Gippsland East, Tim Bull, a former member of the VicHealth board, today congratulated the club on its successful application, receiving $2500 for the equipment upgrade.

“My full congratulations go out to all the volunteers who applied for the grants on behalf of the club,” he said.

“Orbost Bowls Club is one of the 358 across Victoria, and 12 across East Gippsland, to share in more than $939,000 to enable more Victorians to get physically active.

“The Active Club Grants make a unique contribution to the Victorian community by improving the health of inactive and somewhat active Victorians whilst also supporting people to continue participation in sport and active recreation. This focus is aligned with VicHealth’s 10-year goal of getting 300,000 Victorians more physically active by 2023.

“I am sure the updated equipment will encourage a higher participation rate and boost the profiles of the Orbost Bowls Club,” Mr Bull said.

Published in Media
Friday, 03 June 2016 17:40

Lakes Entrance netballers and croquet players benefit from grants

Lakes Entrance’s netballers will play in new, updated uniforms after receiving a VicHealth Active Club Grant, Member for Gippsland East, has announced.

Mr Bull, a former VicHealth board member, said both the local netball association and Lakes Entrance Croquet Club were successful with their recent VicHealth grant applications, receiving $1760 and $1350 respectively.

“While the netballers will purchase new uniforms for the competitions in which they compete, Lakes Entrance Croquet Club will buy three boxes of balls for their matches,” he said.

“My full congratulations go out to all the volunteers who applied for the grants on behalf of the local sporting clubs successful in attaining much-needed funding,” Mr Bull said.

“These clubs are just two of the 358 across Victoria, and 12 across East Gippsland, to share in more than $939,000 to enable more Victorians to get physically active.

“The Active Club Grants make a unique contribution to the Victorian community by improving the health of inactive and somewhat active Victorians whilst also supporting people to continue participation in sport and active recreation. This focus is aligned with VicHealth’s 10-year goal of getting 300,000 Victorians more physically active by 2023.

“I am sure the updated equipment and uniforms these clubs will receive will encourage a higher participation rate and boost the profiles of the clubs,” Mr Bull said.

Caption: Member for Gippsland East, Tim Bull, takes aim at Lakes Entrance Croquet Club recently. The club has received a VicHealth Active Club Grant to the value of $1350 to purchase new balls.

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