October 2024
Tuesday, 15 October 2024 17:05

Our error, but you still have to pay

The Labor State Government is forcing people who have received erroneous land tax bills they still have to pay up in the hope they get reimbursed later.

Gippsland East Nationals MP, Tim Bull, questioned Treasurer Tim Pallas, on behalf of East Gippslanders who have received what are clearly erroneous land tax bills, but were still being forced by the State Revenue Office (SRO) to pay the accounts.

Mr Pallas responded by stating “the measure (of forcing them to pay) prevents taxpayers using objections as a way to defer payment of a liability”, but that “if the objection is successful, the overpaid tax, with interest, will be refunded or applied to an outstanding tax liability”.

“What this does not take into account is the family that’s being forced to make a payment that has been charged in error may not have the capacity to pay the amount,” said Mr Bull.

He said in-effect the Treasurer is saying that despite his process stuffing things up, people must still find money to pay and hope they get it back down the track.

“The people who have come to my office have lodged objections to the charges that have clearly been made in error, but despite an answer to their complaint pending, still have to stump up the incorrectly charged amount.

“We have the Treasurer on one hand continually talking about cost-of-living challenges, but then making heartless decisions like this.

“Talk about say one thing and then do another. There is clearly no understanding how this sort of thing can impact families,” he said.

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

Published in Media
Monday, 14 October 2024 10:43

Intersection works should not be done concurrently

VicRoads has been asked not to undertake the intersection works at Princes Highway / McEacharn Street and Bullumwaal Road / Howitt Avenue at the same time.

Gippsland East Nationals MP, Tim Bull, said that in the Eastwood / Wy Yung area there was over 4,000 residents and many more in outlying communities who work or attend school in Bairnsdale.

“If we were to have both major routes into the town impacted at the same time, it will cause traffic chaos,” he said.

Mr Bull said after the Federal Government provided the funding to the State for these two projects over four years ago, it has sat on its hands, so it is ridiculous to think after waiting this long they will stage these works concurrently.

“If they completed one of the projects first and then moved on to the next, it would allow locals to travel by the alternate route and get in and out of town much easier.

“Of a morning, and to a lesser extent the afternoons, they are particularly busy intersections, so to add delays at these times will have the traffic backed up for long distances.

“I have raised the matter in the hope one job can be finished before the other is started, and the timeframes are articulated to local residents. At the moment all we know is work will commence on both projects before Christmas. Let’s hope some common sense prevails,” Mr Bull said.

Federal Member for Gippsland, Darren Chester, said he had received no explanations for the long delays in delivering the McEacharn Street project.

“The roundabout was fully funded in 2020 under the previous Federal Coalition Government, and we have waited four years because this incompetent State Government hasn’t started work.

“We couldn’t get this Andrews / Allan State Government interested in road safety and dealing with Victorian transport department bureaucrats is a nightmare because none of them actually live in the area and care about the condition of our roads.

“The least they can do now is avoid inconvenience,” Mr Chester said.

Caption: Member for Gippsland East, Tim Bull, pictured at the McEacharn Street intersection, says to avoid traffic chaos in Bairnsdale, both major road projects should be staged and not undertaken concurrently.

Monday, 14 October 2024

Published in Media
Monday, 07 October 2024 12:13

Traffic lights for Wy Yung intersection, roundabout for McEacharn – finally!

The Nationals’ Member for Gippsland East, Tim Bull, recently challenged the VicRoads decision to install traffic lights at the Bullumwaal Road / Howitt Avenue intersection.

“The reason for my query is that back in 2019 I was advised a roundabout was the preferred option, an outcome I know the majority of the Eastwood and Wy Yung community supported,” he said.

“The plan was to have a roundabout with a merging lane before the bridge, so traffic would continue to flow. I was presented with the plans which I shared with the community at the time - which I still have.

“The department has come back to me stating the reason for installing traffic lights relates to land acquisition being needed for a roundabout, native vegetation requirements and public consultation feedback.

“When I questioned the latter and the fact no local residents were advised of, or knew of the public consultation process, I was simply told they were aware the public consultation process needed to be better for future projects, but this project would now not be changed.

“The bottom line is, we now have traffic lights going in on a flood plain, which is not the preferred outcome the majority of the community sought.

“It must also be remembered this is a Federally funded project and the State has been sitting on the Commonwealth money secured by my colleague and Federal Member for Gippsland, Mr Chester, for five years.”

Mr Bull said on a brighter note he had also been advised the McEacharn Street / Princes Highway intersection (also Federally funded) roundabout would also be started soon.

“I’m told the project will remain as initially planned, a roundabout with a lane to merge onto the highway before the bridge, which is what we wanted at Wy Yung.

“It is another project where the State has been sitting on the money for an extended period and the second time it has been announced, the last time, being four years ago.”

Monday, 7 October 2024

Published in Media