Nungurra Youth Crisis accommodation opens
Member for East Gippsland, Tim Bull, today opened the $2.5 million Nungurra Youth Crisis Accommodation Centre in Bairnsdale.
The Nungurra Youth Crisis Accommodation Centre will provide support and accommodation for young people who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness through short-term accommodation.
Mr Bull said the Nungurra will replace Merindoo the existing day centre in Bairnsdale.
“The Victorian Coalition Government funded $2.5 million for Nungurra which will provide short term accommodation for 12 young people in East Gippsland.
“The Coalition Government is focused on protecting the most vulnerable people in our community and Nungurra is a fantastic centre for the Bairnsdale community,” Mr Bull said.
Nungurra will consist of eight single bedrooms, one two-bedroom and one one-bedroom separate unit that will provide short term accommodation for young people aged between 16 and 25 years who come from a range of backgrounds.
Minister for Housing, Wendy Lovell, said Nungurra was part of the Coalition Government’s National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness and our commitment to breaking the cycle of homelessness.
“The Coalition Government is committed to improving the opportunities for young people who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness in regional Victoria,” Ms Lovell said.
Since 2010 the Coalition Government has committed more than an additional $200 million for homeless services and $220 million per annum in community service organisations to support people that are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Caption: Celebrating today’s official opening of the $2.5 million Nungurra Youth Crisis Accommodation were Edna Ritchie, Adrian Morgan, Kerry Baxter, Liz Noone; Member for Gippsland East, Tim Bull; Caroline Ritchie, Chris Brereton, Ryan Hedley, Floss Ryan, Jeremy Schroder and JJ Ritchie.
Safety boost for Paynesville Coast Guard
Recreational boating on the Gippsland Lakes will receive a further boost through the 2013-14 round of the Victorian Government’s Boating Safety and Facilities Program, Member for Gippsland East, Tim Bull, said today.
“I’m pleased that the local community and visitors to the Gippsland Lakes will benefit from a $73,000 investment into local boating facilities and operations,” Mr Bull said.
“As part of the investment Paynesville coast guard will receive $23,000 in funding to provide a much needed refurbishment to the hull and deck of their rescue vessel.
“The vessel has been in service for seven years and was starting to show some signs of wear and tear, so this is a fantastic outcome for the Coast Guard.
“Funding programs like the Boating Safety and Facilities Program enable local groups and communities to get vital facility upgrades and safety initiatives off the ground,” he said.
Additional grants as part of the 2013-14 Boating Safety and Facilities Program include: • $50,000 to dredge a new channel at the western junction of the Steamer and Grange channels, improving navigation and safety of vessels operating in the region
Minister for Ports, David Hodgett, said the latest round of funding from the Boating Safety Facilities Program adds to the significant investment made over the last few years to improve recreational boating infrastructure in Victoria.
The BSFP is funded through a portion of recreational boat operator licensing fees and vessel registration fees, providing money for grants and state wide initiatives. The aim of the program is to make recreational boating safer and more accessible for all Victorians.
Types of projects the BSFP could fund include; • boating facilities such as jetties and boat ramps • navigation aids and signage • new search and rescue vessels • equipment and training for recognised search and rescue groups • boating safety and education programs • marine communications.
For more information about the Boating Safety and Facilities Program contact the Grants Administration Team on 1800 337 222, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit
Boating safety boost for Lake Tyers
Recreational boating in East Gippsland will receive a further boost through the 2013-14 round of the Victorian Government’s Boating Safety and Facilities Program, Member for Gippsland East, Tim Bull, announced today.
“I’m pleased that the local community and visitors to popular Lake Tyers will benefit from a $168,000 investment to completely renew the Fisherman’s Landing jetty,” Mr Bull said.
“A new floating jetty will replace the existing timber structure, providing safer access to the waterway for visitors and local residents alike.
“Funding programs like the Boating Safety and Facilities Program enable local groups and communities to get vital facility upgrades and safety initiatives off the ground,” he said.
Additional grants as part of the 2013-14 Boating Safety and Facilities Program include: • $16,000 to replace two existing navigation aids on Bullock Island, improving navigation and safety for users of the popular waterway. • $1,400 for 10 members of the Metung Yacht Club to undertake the national powerboat handling course
Minister for Ports, David Hodgett, said the latest round of funding from the Boating Safety Facilities Program adds to the significant investment made over the last few years to improve recreational boating infrastructure in Victoria.
“In total over the last few years, the State Government has spent over $30 million on improving Victoria’s boating infrastructure, from critical repair works to large-scale improvement projects,” Mr Hodgett said.
The BSFP is funded through a portion of recreational boat operator licensing fees and vessel registration fees, providing money for grants and state wide initiatives. The aim of the program is to make recreational boating safer and more accessible for all Victorians.
Types of projects the BSFP could fund include; • boating facilities such as jetties and boat ramps • navigation aids and signage • new search and rescue vessels • equipment and training for recognised search and rescue groups • boating safety and education programs • marine communications.
For more information about the Boating Safety and Facilities Program contact the Grants Administration Team on 1800 337 222, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit
Improving country rail crossings: 50 fixed
Major upgrades have now been completed at 50 level crossings throughout regional Victoria, including at Princes Highway and Dawson Street Stratford, where boom gates have been installed to work with flashing lights.
State Member for Gippsland East, Tim Bull, said rail crossing safety and awareness is important in country areas where train services are infrequent.
“The works mark a significant milestone in the Victorian Coalition Government’s $47 million Fix Country Crossings Program, designed to improve the safety of the state’s railway network for regional road and rail users.
“The Coalition Government is building a better Victoria and delivering transport improvements that make a real difference to our community,” Mr Bull said.
Minister for Public Transport and Roads, Terry Mulder, said installing boom barrier protection resulted in safer level crossings for country Victorians.
“With frequent V/line trains and freight trains using the line, Victorians will have improved safety at hazardous country crossings and that is what this investment delivers,” Mr Mulder said.
“As well as a safety boost across country Victoria, the program has been an economic boom for regional Victoria.
“The program relies on a skilled workforce with each level crossing upgrade requiring many skilled hands to deliver the safety improvements.”
$135,000 boost for Orbost Regional Health
The Victorian Coalition Government will deliver more than $135,000 for a new multi-purpose room at Orbost Regional Health where aged care residents and patients can stay connected to their friends and family.
Member for Gippsland East, Tim Bull, visited Orbost Regional Health on Friday to hear Minister for Health, David Davis, make the announcement that Orbost Regional Health will receive funding for the facility through the Rural Capital Support Fund.
Mr Bull said this multi-purpose facility has been needed for some time and I know that quality of life will be significantly improved by its addition here.
“Not only will the multi-purpose room give access to an outdoor area, it also ensures that aged residents have a space to meet and spend time with family and friends. We know how important it is for people to remain connected with their family, friends and communities,” said Mr Bull.
Minister for Health, David Davis, said Orbost was among 31 health services to share in $17.5 million of grants from the third round of the Rural Capital Support Fund.
“The Coalition Government is delivering $56 million over four years to the Rural Capital Support Fund that provides grants to improve rural and regional health facilities,” Mr Davis said.
“The grants help hospitals, aged care facilities, women’s health and community health services upgrade facilities, implement new models of care and increase service capacity and efficiency.
“The latest funding comes on top of $20.3 million already delivered through the first two funding rounds,” said Mr Davis.
Mr Davis also paid tribute to the local community who have been battling ongoing bushfires this summer throughout Gippsland.
“The last few weeks have tested this community, and it is wonderful to see how well you all have responded,” Mr Davis said.
“Emergency response staff and volunteers alike, right across Gippsland, have made an incredible contribution to the welfare of this region and I offer my thanks to everyone who lent a hand.”
Revamped Cann Valley Bush Nursing Centre opens
Minister for Health, David Davis, on Friday officially opened the $557,000 redevelopment of the bush nursing centre in Cann River with the Member for Gippsland East, Tim Bull.
Mr Bull said the Victorian Coalition Government delivered the funding towards the redevelopment at Cann Valley Bush Nursing Centre from the Bush Nursing Support Fund.
“The modern centre now includes a new treatment room, better ambulance access and improvements to patient and staff safety.
“This will ensure the health service is sustainable into the future and will meet the needs of local residents,” said Mr Bull.
Mr Davis said the redevelopment will ensure the health service can continue to deliver high quality health services for more than 600 people in the Cann Valley district, now and into the future.
“The Victorian Coalition Government is delivering on its election commitment to invest $2.2 million over four years into Victoria’s smallest bush nursing services through the Bush Nursing Support Fund,” Mr Davis said.
“The fund is addressing future demand and ensures rural Victorians can access a strong and sustainable, high quality local health service.
“The grants support small capital works projects such as refurbishments and infrastructure upgrades, as well as the purchase of new medical and IT equipment.”
Cann Valley Bush Nursing Centre provides essential primary health, home and community care and nursing services, as well as remote area nurses providing first line emergency care.
Mr Davis also paid tribute to the local community who has been battling ongoing bushfires this summer throughout Gippsland.
“The last few weeks have tested this community, and it is wonderful to see how well you all have responded,” Mr Davis said.
“Emergency response staff and volunteers alike, right across Gippsland, have made an incredible contribution to the welfare of this region and I offer my thanks to everyone who lent a hand.”
Mr Davis said the Coalition Government was ensuring Victoria had the key infrastructure in place to deliver high quality healthcare into the 21st century.