Thoroughbred trainers from right across Gippsland will benefit from the establishment of a state-of-the-art veterinary hospital in Cranbourne.
Gippsland East Nationals MP and Shadow Minister for Racing, Tim Bull, and Leader of the Opposition, Matthew Guy, today announced if elected in November, the Liberal Nationals would contribute $1.5 million to help establish the facility.
“This is a fantastic announcement for the many thoroughbred trainers across Gippsland,” he said.
“This equine centre will have the capacity for the latest scanning facilities.
“Anyone currently wishing to access such technology would have to travel to Werribee or Ballarat, so this development is much closer to home.
“New scanning technology will transform treatment of a range of common but difficult-to-diagnose equine health issues, including lower respiratory tract diseases, viral and bacterial infections, and exercise pulmonary haemorrhage (EIPH).”
Mr Bull said the Liberal Nationals’ contribution is to be matched by industry funds to provide the balance of the $3m cost of establishing the hospital.
Cranbourne is home to Victoria and Australia’s largest thoroughbred training centre, with 140 licensed trainers and 1400 horses training there.
Caption: Gippsland East Nationals MP and Shadow Minister for Racing, Tim Bull, Leader of the Opposition, Matthew Guy, and Liberal Party candidate for Cranbourne, Ann-Marie Hermans, discuss the proposal with Robbie Griffiths, of Griffiths Racing, this morning.
Thursday, April 26, 2018