Overgrown roadside vegetation must be addressed as summer and the impending bushfire season approaches.
Nationals State MP for Gippsland East, Tim Bull, said he has received a number of complaints from residents across the region calling for roadside slashing to be undertaken prior to summer.
“What we need is the Labor Government to commit to an intensive slashing and vegetation removal program across regional Victoria before summer hits.
“The recent heavy rain has intensified roadside vegetation growth in the region and the overriding priority of the state government must be the protection of human life.
“Right throughout the region, roadsides are burgeoning with out-of-control and highly flammable long grass, dead wood and weed species.
“Given the forecast weather pattern for summer – fuel load reduction on our roadsides must be prioritised.”
Mr Bull said unkept roadsides act as a wick during bushfire events and deny residents a safe passage during bushfire events.
“Bushfire experts indicate that community safety is significantly improved when roadside fuel loads are reduced through slashing, burning, and weed management.
“Private property owners have a legal responsibility to keep their land cleared and fire safe, setting the precent for the act on its own directive and maintain roadsides to keep regional communities safe.
“Gippsland has already experienced an early start to bushfire season, and many regional Victorians are justifiably concerned about Labor’s woeful preparation.
“Fuel reduction saves lives, and we need to do everything possible to mitigate the risk of catastrophic fires impacting local communities, this summer,” Mr Bull said.
Monday, 13 November 2023