Budget does not address roads disaster
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Budget does not address roads disaster

Victoria’s 2024/25 State Budget released today has not delivered the funding to fix our country roads, with the maintenance budget still over 16 per cent below what it was in 2020.

Gippsland East Nationals MP, Tim Bull, said he was hoping for the massive investment, but it was simply not forthcoming.

“Our roads have never been in worse shape and when we needed a major injection of funds, it is just not there. This is a government that cannot manage money and Victoria is paying the price.

“In addition, we have the agriculture and tourism budgets slashed by massive amounts and, in a period when crime was spiralling state-wide, community crime prevention has been cut by 46 per cent.

“Even with all the cuts, state deficit is still forecast to rise to $188 billion by 2027/28 – an increase of $10 billion on last year’s forecast, and this will see interest repayments hit $26 million per day. That’s right, per day.

Mr Bull accused the government of being deceitful in its announcement of the $400 school saving bonus for families of students.

“They make this announcement with bells and whistles but fail to explain that while they give with one hand, they take more with the other – much more.

“What our Premier failed to mention is the fire services levy and waste levies are increasing, and land tax, stamp duty and payroll tax are also increasing.

“They waste money on projects like the Suburban Rail Loop, which is more than $170 billion over budget from its original $50 billion costing – and then come after more of yours.

“There is just no excuse for that level of incompetence,” he said.

Tuesday, 7 May 2024