VicHealth grant open

Grants of up to $150,000 are available through the VicHealth Growing Healthy Community Grants, with applications opening last week.
The Nationals’ MP for Gippsland East and former VicHealth Board Member, Tim Bull, has invited community organisations to apply.
“These grants will help to deliver programs that support children, young people, and their families in maintaining good health and wellbeing as well as improving social connections,” Mr Bull said.
Mr Bull said there are three funding categories clubs can apply:

• Tier 1 ($10,000 - $35,000): To enhance the quality or reach of an existing initiative, such as training equipment, community outreach, or subsidising costs for program participants.

• Tier 2 ($35,001 - $50,000): For piloting new projects or expanding or enhancing the impact of an existing project.

• Tier 3 ($50,001 - $150,000): To support the growth and scale of proven, promising projects and to help foster sustainable impact beyond the funding period.
“Applicants are asked to demonstrate how their project will create more active, inclusive, and connected neighbourhoods through sport, recreation, arts, and community programs using local places and spaces,” Mr Bull said.
"Community involvement enhances young people's mental health, social skills, and sense of belonging while promoting physical activity and providing support networks. It also boosts self-esteem and builds resilience by exposing them to diverse perspectives and coping strategies.”
“I encourage local organisations to consider applying for this grant stream,” he said.
For more information on the VicHealth Growing Healthy Community Grants program, please visit the website.

8 July 2024