Labor pinching from pensioners

The State Labor Government has been asked to overturn a heartless 55 per cent rise on public housing tenants in Heyfield.
Gippsland East Nationals MP, Tim Bull said 10 families living in four and a half square metre one-bedroom public housing units in Heyfield received the shock of their lives when notified of the increase from $116 to $180 per week.

“I’ve been contacted by a number of residents from the housing complex who don’t know how they are going to manage when the rent is adjusted in August.

“The Department of Families Fairness and Housing (DFFH) correspondence to the tenants defends the charge, stating the rent hike has come about to reflect market value for rentals in Heyfield.

“However, it is clear they have no idea of the local market and I doubt whether any of these bureaucrats even know where Heyfield is, let alone been there,” Mr Bull said.

“It’s a case of the Labor government pinching money from pensioners to pay for its skyrocketing state debt as a result of it not being able to manage money, and astronomical cost blowouts on metro projects.

“They are so poor at managing finances we are in a position where the state will soon be paying $25 million a day in interest – it is just mind-blowing how incompetent they are.

“The rent is for a one-bedroom unit, constructed in 1985, which I am told still has the original carpet, thin glazing which causes heating difficulties, cracked internal walls and guttering that leaks when it rains.”

One tenant reported a DFFH spokesperson said the dwelling’s defects will not be fixed by this government, as it can’t afford to cover the costs of the maintenance required.

“This comment rings true, as I know of an elderly public housing resident in Cann River, who had been left without television reception for over six months.

“It is a sad day when the Victorian State Government comes after pensioners.

“I have asked Minister for Housing, Harriet Shing, to revisit this decision immediately,” Mr Bull said.

Monday, 15 July 2024