The announcement of a review into Parks Victoria should include an examination of the Minister’s poor performance, according to Gippsland East Nationals MP, Tim Bull.
Mr Bull, who has long been a critic of what he describes as, “the government’s most useless department”, said the problems stem from the Minister himself.
“In announcing the review, it was also said Parks Victoria CEO, Matt Jackson, will be moved on but replacing him will have little impact unless the Minister himself sets a new agenda and culture within the department,” Mr Bull said.
“Minister Dimopoulos signed off on the rock climbing ban at Mt Arapiles that has caused huge friction between First Nations people and rock climbers, then said one of the reasons for sacking Mr Jackson was because ‘current operations need to be improved to meet community expectations’.
“He has also cut the Parks Victoria budget by $96 million, then says the review will look at ‘how the organisation can better serve the needs of Victorians and help them enjoy the great outdoors’. Resourcing them properly will be a good start!
“This simply reads like the CEO taking the fall for a Minister who has completely mismanaged his department.”
Mr Bull said he hoped the change would now result in overdue work being completed locally.
“The fifth anniversary of the fires is approaching, and we still have projects like the Cape Conran cabins not started, jetties and day picnic areas around Mallacoota not rebuilt and many tracks and trails not opened.
“One can only hope the review puts pressure on to get this overdue work done.”
“In concluding, I want to make clear my criticism of the department is not a reflection on the local workforce who generally do a very good job, it is the bureaucracy of the department the Minister has been unable to sort out,” he said.
Pictured: An aerial view of the vacant Cape Conran cabin site along with State Member for Gippsland East, Tim Bull, pictured next to the Cape Conran cabin rebuild billboard, taken back in 2022.
Monday, 23 December 2024