Doggers must remain on core job

With wild dog attacks on livestock in parts of the electorate at high levels, assurances are being sought that government-employed doggers will not be taken off the job to fight fires.

Gippsland East Nationals MP, Tim Bull, said local farmers have raised concerns that while they are losing stock, wild dog controllers are on call for fire related duties.

“I understand the majority of Department of Energy Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) staff need to be flexible in relation to firefighting demands, there are not too many departmental jobs that are heavily relied on by businesses in relation to their ongoing viability.

“Those who work in the wild dog program fall into that category, so while it is reasonable to ask many in the Department to down tools when required for firefighting duties, this is one area where we cannot compromise the effort.”

Mr Bull said he is also seeking assurances from the Minister that the wild pig control program would remain as a separately funded stand-alone program and would not fall on to the doggers as a cost saving measure.

“Rumours are rife amongst the Department that funding for pig controls would be wound back and this additional feral animal control would fall to the doggers.

“They are busy enough keeping on top of dog numbers without spending time on a different species.

“The reality is, wild pig controls need boosting rather than winding back as the current level of effort is not seeing the problem being contained, in fact it is worsening.

“Unfortunately, we have a city-centric Government and Minister who does not truly understand the level of problems these pest species are causing,” he said.

Monday, 3 February 2025