MP’s from around the state were told of the importance of the High Country calf sales last week.
Speaking in Parliament, Member for Gippsland East, Tim Bull, recognised the sales as being a major economic driver in the region and the fact this underlined the importance of our rural and farming sector in the state.
“Last week was a great week in the high country, with beef producers gathering for the 75th annual calf sales, which were held across the towns of Ensay, Omeo and Benambra.
“I spoke with Elders Omeo principal David Hill, who underlined the importance of these sales to the district, with over $7 million injected into the local economy over two days,” Mr Bull said.
“More than 11 000 calves were offered for sale, with prices up over $200 per head on the previous year.
“This year also saw the biggest attendance ever, with buyers coming from all over Australia, selling out the accommodation in the town and keeping the local eateries very busy.
“Transportation companies were flat out moving cattle in and out of the sales, with 650 transport movements over the two days. It was a great week for all.”