May 2020
Thursday, 07 May 2020 10:40
Maffra Lawn Tennis Club deserves an ace!
Major renovation plans for the Maffra Lawn Tennis Club will put the popular local community based organisation on a solid footing for the future.
Gippsland East Nationals MP, Tim Bull, who visited this week, said the plans included renovations for the clubrooms, adjoining hall building, a new kitchen, bar, kiosk and toilets and he was strongly backing the works.
“The significant upgrade has the support of Wellington Shire Council, which is to be commended for getting behind this project, and the club has a $100,000 contribution, an incredible effort for a community organisation.
“There is a funding application pending with the Latrobe Valley Authority that is currently being assessed and we would hope with such a strong local commitment, it gets the tick so we can get on with the job.”
Mr Bull said these works were in addition to the Federal funds recently announced to improve the fencing at the facility and strongly urged the LVA to approve the funding application.
“This club has a history dating back well over 100 years and it has been at the current site since the 1940s, so it is entrenched in the local community with still over 100 members today.
“I know the club, under the leadership of Sarah and Terry, has plans to increase its junior and family participation and having a facility that is attractive to families will be critical.
“While popular in the community, it is clear the club facilities are tired and in need of improvement and this project will give it the facelift it so desperately requires,” he said.
Caption: Gippsland East Nationals MP, Tim Bull, with Maffra Lawn Tennis Club’s President Terry Flynn and Secretary Sarah Luke.
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Tuesday, 05 May 2020 09:34
Government urged to allow common sense on restrictions
Gippsland East Nationals MP, Tim Bull, is continuing the push to have common sense applied to provide more freedom under the current COVID-19 restrictions.
The Nationals used the special sitting of Parliament to ask the Premier to change the interpretation of directives relating to a number of activities that are all allowed in other states, including fishing, boating, golf, prospecting, hunting and horse riding.
“While we need to maintain certain restrictions and proceed with caution, we have activities like fishing, boating and golf that are allowed in every other state except Victoria and it makes no sense.
“The curve is flattening nation-wide, which shows that these extra precautions in Victoria are making no difference.
“Over recent weeks I have been approached by a host of residents who say, for example, fishing or golf is how they deal with their mental health challenges, it is what they do to clear the head and keep on top of things.
“We can’t be blasé about this, we need to tread with caution, but when every other state and territory deems some of these activities safe, we should be looking at falling into line with them.”
Mr Bull said there was a significant level of frustration in the community about some of the restrictions that just don’t pass the common-sense test.
“It seems ludicrous that someone can go for a walk along a river but they can’t stop and throw a line in, they can go paddle boarding but not windsurfing. I understand these decisions were made quickly and am not critical of that as it had to be done on the run, but enough time has now passed to review these decisions and correct anomalies.
“To reintroduce these activities would not open any floodgates for visitors, as the same non-essential travel rules would apply and the activities would be classed as exercise, which can only be undertaken in your own community.
“I am being regularly contacted by people from right across East Gippsland who are lucky enough to have the opportunity to fish, play golf or go horse-riding locally without needing to travel more than a few kilometres.
“It just doesn’t make sense for Victoria to be so much more restricted on some of these issues than all other states with no reasoning or justification.
“All my constituents are asking for is consistency, clarity and some common-sense applied,” he said.
Fishing at Mallacoota image courtesy of Visit Victoria Content Hub
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